Easter 2012 was our first holiday back "home" in Virginia. It was a great day. VERY beautiful weather, surrounded by Gramma and Grandpa, yummy food and lots of smiles from little miss.
Addison had a great time finding eggs and sharing her little goldfish inside the eggs.
Lots of pictures to share and two videos.
Easter pancakes to begin the day
stealing spoons out of the dishwasher
reading the paper with grandpa
she melts my heart
testing my camera skills
she loved her basket and the eggs inside
our two little girls :)
searching for eggs
Gramma's trying to help
I got this Mom!
CJ, Layla, Gramma, Addison and Grandpa
Nicole, Gramma, Addison, Layla and Grandpa (don't mind my outfit!)
check out the socks with flip flops. Awful!
Collecting eggs on the porch
Addie and her basket
every time she bent down to get another egg, all of the rest fell out. Cracked us up!
Pretty real eggs---I made Gram's deviled eggs and a batch of egg salad.
Easter goodies for Addison. Spoiled much? Yes, 4 pairs of shoes!
WOW, look what the Easter bunny left.
she really liked her flower.
and then her backpack.....she wore it for almost an hour.
On March 15th, 2011, CJ and I welcomed our little princess Addison Grace into the world. She has quickly become the highlight of our life and brings us so much love and joy.
I created a blog in an attempt to share Addison's day to day activities and milestones with family and friends from afar.
I also hope that I can look back in several years and have a virtual baby book of Addison's life.
Much love,
Nicole, CJ, Addison and of course, Layla
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