So, Tuesday morning came and into surgery I went. They replaced my torn ACL with a cadaver's Achilles tendon. My meniscus was torn but wasn't bad enough to do any surgery on. I was given a huge brace, crutches, water machine and sent home.
Luckily Gramma and Grandpa took VERY good care of both Addison and I while they were here. They headed home on Sunday when I became more mobile and was able to fend for myself for the most part. Daddy has stepped in where needed and taking great care of Addison. I can, of course, hold her and play with her, so as long as I am sitting or laying in bed. I was able to feed her solids last night for the first time in over a week.
I miss caring my baby up and down the steps, getting her ready in the morning, sitting on the floor and playing with her, but, she has reminded me, she still needs me. Yesterday she was extremely tired and just wanted me to rock her to sleep. She didn't want the swing, rock and play, crib or even Daddy. She peacefully went to slumber right in my arms.
I have been going to Physical Therapy to strengthen my quad, legs and knee. The goal is obviously to be back to where I was prior to tearing my ACL in hopefully the next 2-3 months. I need to get ready for little miss when she begins walking because once that happens, there is no going back. heheh!
Here are two pictures of the knee. If you get queasy with blood, sorry, here's your fair warning.
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