On Friday, CJ took Addison to her 9 month check up appointment. We had just been at the pediatrician on Tuesday, with a fever that turned out to be a double ear infection and bronchitis. Poor little baby was miserable but such a trooper.
103.8 temperature causes double ear infection and bronchitis |
It is hard to believe that Addison is already 9 months old. She is as old as she was while growing inside of me.
Addison Grace Stats:
Weight: 18 pounds and 12 ounces
Height: 28 3/4 inches
At 6 months she was 16 pounds and 4 ounces and 27 inches long. She's a-growin'!
Dear Little Miss Addison,
You are our pride and joy, daily. We look forward to waking up to see your smiling face and sweet giggle. We rush home from work to pick you up from school to give you millions of hugs and kisses and absolutely love that you give them back (for the most part). You really know who your mom and dad are and we keep practicing mama and dada although you haven't said it yet, at least not that we have heard. You absolutely LOVE Layla and are the happiest when you see her, especially if you haven't seen her for awhile. He laugh and giggle at her and are really learning to pet her. Layla lets you do whatever you want to do to her.
You are eating everything in sight. Anything we give you, you directly put in your mouth. You do not like things taken away from you. You tend to through fits when we take the remote, cell phone, wipes, or your paci holder from you, especially when you are not ready to give them up. You are very independent and rather be on the move than held. When you do fall asleep on Mommy or Daddy, we cherish it because we know this is few and far between. You are very sociable and will go to anyone without any stranger anxiety. You really love Miss Regina at school (and she really really really loves you too!).
You are eating pretty consistently these days. You take a 8-10 ounce bottle around 8am, an 8 ounce bottle around 1pm and another 8 ounces around 6pm. You have fruits and veggies twice a day, 11:15am and 7pm. We have been experimenting with pretty much anything and you have yet to not like anything (except jar food; you'd rather eat Mommy's homemade food). We are giving you progressively chunkier food and you are eating it with no problem. You love your snacks; puffs, cookies, yogurt melts, mums, etc. You have really grasped picking it up and putting it in your mouth and no longer need our assistance.
It is really hard to believe how quickly the last 9 months have gone with you in our lives. You give us such happiness. You must also know that we don't go a day without someone saying that you are the most beautiful child they have seen, honestly. Of course Mommy and Daddy are partial, but you really are beautiful, both inside and out. People don't get to see you on a daily basis like Mommy, Daddy and your teachers, but if they could see you daily, they would know that you truly are a happy baby, love to smile, love to be goofy, don't cry unless you have a reason to, actually are a great sleeper (so happy this was not just a phase!), and are such a good baby, that I am pretty sure your next sibling will be a true terror, or you will be when you grow up :) j/k!
Thank you again Addison Grace for being our child! We love you!
Goofy Goofy Girl |
crawling over and under everything! |
pulling yourself up and standing on everything
(yes, that's my birth control in her hand!) |
9 months! |
ohhh, that's my foot! |
Me and my BFF Layla |
get this sticker off me |
now! |
ohh, present! |
i seriously CANNOT wait for her to open presents on Christmas morning! |
Everything in my mouth, especially the remote. |
my princess! |
Gobble her up! |
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