Hello all! Sorry it's been some time since I have had the opportunity to blog. Things have been hectic, as usual (i know i know that is always my excuse) but when you are working full-time, your husband is traveling for a week, you are trying to complete your masters, AND you are making major life decisions (more to come on that later), blogging is the last thing I have had time for.
Addison is getting bigger than ever and becoming more independent than I care to admit. She would much rather be playing on the floor, pulling herself up on everything and practicing perusing along the furniture. In just a few weeks she will be a big 9 month-er, WOW! Where has the time gone? (Pretty sure all parents say that, right?)
Well, I know you are more interested in the updated pictures of her than reading what I am writing, so here they are.
Cute Tummy2Bummy Diaper for swim class | |
capturing eyes this little girl has. |
Lil' Miss Diva! (and one of mom's fav outfits!) |
My two girls, love! |
Taking my 8 month pics--MUCH harder these days as she's on the move |
heeeeyyyy! |
So BIG! |
Thanksgiving with Tyler and Nicole |
Oh My! |
My favorite toy (water bottle filled with macaroni) |
Play date with my bff Keria |
Hi Mom! |
I am over this picture taking! |
Excuse my looks but this picture is SO special to me. A NEVER sleeps on us anymore and she was so tired she ZONKED out! | | | | |
Camera cheese! |
I am into TROUBLE! |
and trying to climb. |
Really Layla? |
and I climbed the stairs! |
My holiday picture, 2011. |
Happy Birthday Grammie TODAY!!! |
Mommy and I before pictures. |
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