Just a few weeks ago, CJ, Addison and I made our way to Virginia for a long weekend. It was the first time Addison was flying therefore the first time we were traveling with a newborn. Oh my! A lot of items are required when you go somewhere and there is nothing you need there. I spent two days prior to leaving trying to pack and anticipate everything we would need. I think I did a pretty good job, except for forgetting one MAJOR item----my ID to get on the plane. Luckily, I just had to go through some additional security screening and we were on our way.
Addison did FABULOUS on the plane. She slept the entire way in my arms. We arrived to Williamsburg late Wednesday night and Addison had the opportunity to meet Great Grandma Effie. Both Addison and Great Grandma Effie were in heaven. So sweet to see them together.
Great Grandma Effie

Auntie Lauren and Justin
On Thursday evening we had dinner with all our good friends. Aunt Christie, Aunt Erin, and Aunt Tabitha, as well as Uncle Paddy and Uncle Darius got to meet Addison for the first time. I would say, love at first sight for all of them! Our friends were finally able to enjoy the new love of our lives and really see how special Addison is!

Auntie and Godmommy Christie, Addison and Auntie Erin

Daddy, Addison, Uncle Darius, Uncle Paddy, and cousin Kalyee

the group at Plaza, YUUM!!!
On Friday, we drove up to Richmond to have lunch with my dad. There, Addison got to meet Granddaddy for the first time. The two of them were incredibly cute together and Addison was FULL of smiles for him. She lit up at his voice.

Granddaddy, Addison and I
From there, we drove up to Northern Virginia and made a quick pit stop at Grammie's so Addison could see her. Grammie was SOO happy and excited to see how big Addison had gotten but I think even more excited that she got to have her all to herself and babysit while I helped to prepare for Alyssa's baby shower.
On Saturday, we hosted Alyssa's baby shower for Baby Cohen. We all had a wonderful time!
On Sunday, probably the best day for many, Addison got to meet her Great Gram Gram, my Grandmother. Addison was such a wonderful baby that day and Gram LOVED to see her. You see, Gram did not know that we were in town. She thought we were coming in the upcoming weeks but we went to her rehab center and surprised her while she was outside talking to my Aunt Linda. Gram looked at me, looked at Linda, looked at my mom and looked back at me, so as to say, why are you here? She was so happy once she saw Addison and we enjoyed the rest of the afternoon catching up and Gram listening to us ladies (poor CJ) gab and gab and gab.

Addison giving Gram Gram a big hug!

The 4 generations "shot" that I had desperately wanted to get and will forever be my favorite picture of all time! (Love you mom and Gram for shaping me to be the best mother I could ever be to Addison. She has "picked" a wonderful family to be a part of!)

Even after two strokes, Gram can still hold her great grandchild number 9! She now has the same number of great grand children as she does grandchildren. She will always be GramsX9!
Finally it was time to head back to Chicago and what a feat that was. After one gate change, one plane change (yes, we all boarded the plane, went to the run way and came back to the gate, deboarded and boarded another plane), waiting for 4 plus hours, etc we finally were on our way back to Chicago and Addison, our little angel, slept the entire way.
She was SO happy the entire trip, gave us no problems and gobbled up all the love that VA had to give!

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