I went to the sale with the intentions of getting Layla her OWN bouncy chair. Layla has fallen in love with Addison's lamb bouncy chair but I didn't want her fat butt to stretch out the fabric and make it unusable for Addison. So, that was my first purchase, almost the same one as Addison's but a wonderful $10. You can see Layla loves it already.

I should mention, Addison is equally spoiled. For just under $180, I picked up 18 outfits (many still brand new), 10 books, 4 Baby Einstein DVD's, Snap and Go Stroller (major find and perfect for our airport trip to VA). and the bouncy chair. Addibug got SEVERAL ladybug outfits that are so adorable. I mean seriously, check it out for yourselves. Here are some of my favorites that I got:
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